“Being a nonprofit with tight resources, Scoping Studio was a lifesaver. It made creating a scope of work document a breeze. The document is easy to understand for non-techy folks, and covered all the specifics we needed. No joke, Scoping Studio saved us weeks. Massive time-saver!”

Turn Your Idea into a Plan
Turn a napkin sketch to a fully realized V1 project plan just by answering a few simple questions.
The first draft is always the hardest. Let AI do the heavy lifting to kickstart your project planning.
You’ll end up with a Project Brief you can share with internal stakeholders, potential investors, and our expert Product Advisors who can help polish your report and match you with the right team to build it.

What They Say
Jefferson Stovall

“Scoping Studio provides a guided way to get my thoughts about a new project organized and into one place. From there, it’s incredibly easy to figure out what next steps are, how the idea needs to be refined and who the best partners are!”
Aaron Eden

“It was so much easier to refine and perfect the vision I had once Scoping Studio had generated that initial draft. Amazing tool!”
Virginia Puccio

“The Steadynamic Product Scoping Studio helped us quickly assemble a first draft of our product requirements and then gave us an easy way to collaborate and refine our ideas. All founders know that starting a company can be like drinking from a firehose. Their Scoping Studio helped us stay focused on the product and gave us clarity on our MVP.”

Who This Is For
Business Owners & Entrepreneurs
Scoping Studio was made for non-technical entrepreneurs and business owners who want to launch a new product or add an app to their business.
It’s great for teams inside of SMB’s or Enterprise firms who want to create new products or tools without using internal dev resources.
Why Use Scoping Studio
Save Time and Get Better Results
Reduce the effort it takes to create a software blueprint and get your project started.
The sooner you start, the sooner your new app can start making a difference in the world.

How Scoping Studio Works
Submit Your App Idea
Answer a few basic questions about your idea, key features, target users, etc., and our system will generate a draft Power Project Brief for you.
No Obligation Consultation
Working with an expert Product Advisor, we’ll help revise your Project Brief to fully match your vision for your app. Your idea is protected with an NDA.
Receive a Proposal
At the end of the Scoping Studio process, we’ll provide a proposal for the project. Accept it and our Ready to Go teams will start work right away.
Sneak Peek
Scoping Studio Project Briefs contain 20+ pages of densely packed information covering every major aspect of your software project.

Generate your free project brief
Not ready yet? Book a call with a Product Advisor first. We can walk you through the process and review the output together.